We are a 501C3 Non-profit organization.
Our UBI Number is 605 206 666
Our EIN number is 92-3584146
We exist to support and provide financial assistance to missions, missionaries that fulfill the call to assist widows, orphans and refugees. Further we support those working to provide humanitarian aid in supplying food, water, clothing and shelter to those in need. Also we support those ministering to inmates and their families. Finally we will be looking to set up business scholarships to assist with startups to help our clientele to be self supporting.
Our purpose initially includes creating a website to share needs and stories that will motivate our friends and neighbors to help fund the laborers and compassionate workers, missionaries and missions. We will be funding specific missionaries and projects through this foundation. We will also be using social media to share needs and to redirect people to our website to be able to give financially to assist in these causes.